Acupuncture Period Power Clinic - Don’t let your flow stop your glow
A recent survey carried out by WaterAid on the menstrual cycle and workplace found that 85% of 2,000 women surveyed experienced stress or anxiety managing their periods at work with 43% fearing leakage, 42% experiencing pain and 40% experiencing a heavy flow.
According to the Office National Statistics (ONS) women make up 51% of the population yet we are still having the same old conversation, hiding our periods, using other excuses for absence, inappropriate comments from other people around moods and hormones, and generally struggling in silence.
@Forth_life (Aug 2022) survey found 55% of the women they surveyed said their menstrual symptoms affected their ability to work with 15% saying they had taken 2 days off and 20% had taken three days off with period related symptoms.
That same survey found that 60% had attended disciplinary hearings and 51% had lost their jobs due to their periods affecting their work
And this is before we hit the peri-menopause and menopause – there’s a whole host of shocking statistics on this subject - but that’s another blog.
Acupuncture can alleviate distressing symptoms many women experience during their periods, peri-menopause and menopause. There is help available.
I am running a Period Power Clinic every Saturday morning Parkstone chiropractic clinic from 8am – 1pm. Get in touch. Don’t let your flow stop your glow! Call me on 07990 925407 or email to find out more or to book an appointment. But if you can’t make Saturdays, I am also available on Tuesday afternoons and Evening, do get in touch.
I am a fully licensed and insured, degree trained acupuncturist, with an additional diploma in Obstetrics, IVF and Gynecology Acupuncture.